Staying Healthy and Studying


March 31, 2020
Riley Ramirez '21

Since the beginning of time, we are plagued by one undeniable scary thought in the middle of our pre-deadline cram whether it be for Medieval English or whatever titillating topic occupies our sleepless nights.

“I’m hungry.”

Whether you’re looking for a well-needed break and recharge, or an amazing opportunity to procrastinate that pre-lab notes or term paper, deciding exactly what to snack on without breaking the wallet is tough.

Sweet? Savory? Snack? Meal? A meal disguised as a snack?

No worries. Here are some ideas to get you right back on track and back in the academic groove.

Microwave Cereal Bars

Here is a personal favorite recipe I love to try out when I’m bored after my seventh bowl of cereal and want to try something sweet and different.

Pick out your cereal of choice and your favorite type of marshmallows. Coat a microwave-safe bowl with non-stick cooking spray, butter, or a light oil layer. Pop in your cereal and a minimum of 2 tablespoons of marshmallow (add more for more gooey cereal bar) and fill with your cereal. Microwave for 30-45 seconds, let the bowl sit for 1 minute and begin mixing.

From here, bust out your dinosaur cookie cutters and animal shapes for you to mold your gooey cereal bowl into whatever fun or creative shapes you may desire!

Mason Jar: Dips to go

A recent practice of mine has been the incorporation of old mason jars as easy snack containers to carry with me to school, work, or on a long trip of errands.

First fill a quarter of your favorite portable mason jar with almond butter, peanut butter, or apple butter. Next, take your fruit of choice whether it be apples, celery, raspberries, blueberries, strawberries and or bananas. Cut your fruit in your desired shape to fit your mason jar and throw in some granola or oats. Now you have an easy fruit dip wherever your plans need you!

Apple Sandwiches

To be frank, I love apples. This recipe should’ve not come as a surprise to me, but this simple twist of a lifetime favorite has saved me countless times.

To spice up your apples, cut your preferred apple horizontally, making apple disks with the core still in the middle of the disks. Cut as many apple disks as you can and cut the core out of each disk, creating a somewhat donut shape. Coat one apple donut with your preferred peanut butter, almond butter, or caramel topping and garnish with cinnamon and brown sugar. Top with another apple donut and you have yourself a healthy snack to get you charged for the next study session!