Staying Connected through Social Media


October 23, 2020
Angelina Costello ’22
smartphone and notebook

Since going remote in the middle of March this year, I along with many other students have experienced a sense of sadness being away from campus for so long.

It isn't just about being on campus, but the cheerful and welcoming community that is here. But I have noticed one very easy way to stay connected with our school's community through this learning experience: social media!

One account that I love following is @WCTheRock on Instagram, Twitter and even Facebook. This account is run “by students, for students” as it says in their bio, and their purpose is to unite the Whittier College community through social media. They post many great things from fun facts of the day to different campus events going on, and most importantly virtual events. They make posts at the beginning of most weeks with a collection of flyers explaining the different events and what days they land on. And although we’re behind screens, virtual events are great ways to stay in contact with clubs and organizations and they give students the possibility to meet new students with similar interests.

Along with that, Whittier College sports teams also have their own accounts. This semester some teams have created flyers for virtual events that their teams are hosting through Zoom, inviting all WC students! What I also love about these accounts is that they create a space to acknowledge their team members for their accomplishments throughout the season. This is a great example of how within our whole WC community, there are smaller communities who maintain the warm and welcoming atmosphere.

Through social media, offices at Whittier College have also created their own accounts. For example, @WCForEquity or the Office of Equity and Inclusion (OEI) has created an amazing platform that shows exactly what this office stands for. Not only do they post virtual meetings that they host, like workshops and educational dialogues led by students, but this account also  uses its platform to post very informative posts that have to deal with topics that revolve around equity and justice.

Following some of these pages is as easy as a click of a button and makes it even easier to stay connected with what is happening on our campus. By following and engaging with these accounts, it is even likely that you find students with similar interests. You can then follow them and who knows, you might see them in a future class or two and become good friends.