Remote Learning: How Do I Get the Most Out of It?


September 28, 2020
Angelina Costello ’22

Since March, it’s no surprise that students and instructors everywhere have had to experience this shift in how education can continue at home.

As some people may be happy about these changes others can find it very difficult. Here are some of my experiences and advice for students still learning how to adjust.

Get Some Air

My biggest challenge in the beginning was that I found myself being at home, in my room, in front of my laptop for so long. Although I commuted and live very close to the Whittier campus, I loved being there! Being on campus was an experience in itself, whether I was in class, catching up on homework in the library or just eating a snack soaking in the sun in a lawn chair. So for anyone else missing being at school in the same way, I would say make sure you go outside! Take a walk or visit a local park to make sure you get out of the house. Getting in the sun and receiving Vitamin D is also great to help you sleep better.

Make a Space to Learn

Since I was also so used to being on campus for most hours of the day, I never realized how much I would benefit from investing in a desk for my room. When I was doing assignments at home, it was usually on my family couch or in my bed, which are not great settings for being productive. So I did what any other college student would do and went on Offer Up to buy a desk. And ever since, I’ve had my space to get work done and be productive throughout the day which feels very fulfilling. It’s important to create space for educational purposes, the same way Whittier College provides those spaces for their students.

Partner Up

I have also found it super helpful to start having “homework sessions” with my younger brother who has also been learning from home! We choose a couple days out of the week when we don’t have class and sit in a quiet area where we can both finish assignments and even ask each other for help or guidance. It’s a great way to make sure we are both being accountable for the work we should be doing.