How to Make a Dream or Vision Board


March 11, 2021
Hailey Garcia '23
dream board

There’s so many things we want to do in life. All these great ideas and wishes in our head.

They can’t just be stored in our mind, we need to manifest them. A dreamboard is a physical version of our aspirations and inspirations. It’s so easy to get caught up in the chaos of life and we forget what we value and our goals.


●    Poster paper or cardboard. I recommend a large size because there is absolutely no limitation to what you can do.

●    Tape, glue, or push pins

●    Magazines cuttings, sticky notes, flashcards, pictures of what you love etc

●    Accomplishments

What you can include

●    Career, personal, and academic goals. Make them intentional and true to yourself. A simple sticky note that says “Make art” will remind me what I love to do when I’m feeling unmotivated. Whatever career you choose, seeing the words “I am a(n) ___ ” is solidifying what you want in life. There’s nothing wrong with putting yourself first.

●    Positive affirmations (you can view my blog for tips)

●    Motivation quotes to help you keep going when in doubt

●    Pictures of things and places you want. It can be simple and focused on the present as well. For example, I really need new glasses so I can find a pair I really like, print it out and put it there. In regards to the future, I am manifesting that one day I will be able to purchase a Volkswagen Bus and go on a spontaneous road trip. Instead of accepting that it’s impossible right now, I am motivating myself that one day I will!

●    How you want to see yourself in the future. Here you can include how you want to change for the better. One example for myself would be “Your voice matters” and “Stand up for yourself” to remind myself that I am confident and deserve to live my life without caring what other people think.

Placement Matters

Arrange your dreamboard somewhere where you can see it. Don’t hide it in the closet. Remind yourself that your dreams are achievable, that you are capable of whatever you set your mind to. A dreamboard is a working document, thus there is no rush to figure your whole life on a piece of paper. It is subject to change and evolve over time, consider it as your judge-free-personal-nice-life assistant.

I’m going to start my dreamboard this week and I hope you do too!