Hands-On Learning in Biology: Research Experience


July 15, 2020
WC Insider
Cancer cells

Biology majors have a wide variety of opportunities to help make discoveries in real-world settings while pursuing their scientific passions and preparing for a successful career.

That was the case for Joshua Lopez; thanks to him, lung cancer has fewer mysteries to hide behind. The biology major and aspiring doctor spent two summers at City of Hope, one of the nation’s leading cancer research and treatment centers, studying the disease on the genetic level. He also gained first-hand experience in the operating room, where he observed his mentoring physician at work—thanks to his REU (Research Experience for Undergraduates).

REUs offer top science and math majors like Joshua the opportunity to spend the summer learning advanced research methods and preparing for graduate-level work. Whittier biology students secure their spots in competitive programs, with the help and mentorship of the College’s professors.

The experiences are well worth it—from exposure to advanced techniques and instruments to working in collaborative teams on challenging projects. Students also benefit from researching alongside their REU mentors, as they expand their knowledge and experience analyzing data for both presentations and further study.

“It was definitely a rewarding experience," Joshua said. "I learned a tremendous amount working in the clinic and lab. The research led me to being published on papers, and gave me the opportunity to present at a national conference. The list of benefits these programs provide go on and on.”

To learn more about internships for biology majors, contact the Center for Career and Professional Development.