Essential Apps for College


April 9, 2021
Elena Backus y Herrera '22

Entering college is an exciting time in your life.

You’ll get to meet new people, experience new things, take interesting classes, and best of all receive student discounts. Here are a few of my favorite apps for getting stellar deals as a student:


Offers discount codes for all kinds of merchandise including clothing, accessories, beauty products, and so much more. Download the app and enter in your Whittier school email to see all the brands that offer discounts to students! 

Music apps

If you sign up for Spotify Premium as a student using your Whittier email you’re eligible for uninterrupted Spotify streaming at the low cost of $4.99 which includes access to Hulu and Showtime. Make sure to re verify your account every 12 months! This deal is epic. If Spotify isn't your thing, check out the student discount for Apple Music. While it doesn’t include two streaming services, it is much more affordable at the price of $4.99 with a 3-month free trial. 


If you’re interested in streaming through Hulu solo, check out their student discount of $1.99 a month.

Other essential apps for college survival:

Venmo or Cashapp

You’ll find yourself splitting meals or other merchandise with your friends quite frequently. Who even carries cash these days?! Save yourself the trouble by sending money from your phone directly to your friends. This saves friendships. 

Food Delivery/Pick-Up Apps

Ubereats, Postmates, Grubhub, and Doordash. Sometimes you need all four downloaded. Takeout was probably my biggest expense my freshman year, as I didn’t have a car, and I have no regrets. There are so many good food options in the surrounding area and sometimes you just need it delivered to your dorm. 

Uber and Lyft

No car? No problem, these services can take you anywhere you need to go. Even if you do have a car, you will probably need to Uber somewhere at some point in college.