The Class That Taught Me Discipline


October 28, 2020
Celeste Perez '21

As a business major, one class that stood out for me was International Business with Daniel Duran.

It is a required class for business students, and this class taught me so much more than learning to conduct business in a foreign country.

The class definitely pushed people out of their comfort zones with the amount of work that was assigned. There were many presentations in the class and a lot of group work. This helped me build my public speaking skills and helped strengthen my communication skills in a group setting.

I really enjoyed how his class wasn’t all Powerpoint lectures. Professor Duran taught the class from his real-world experience in the industry. I liked this about the class because it wasn’t just information from a textbook. He would teach us a lesson, and then tell us how he handled a similar situation in one of his corporate careers. This teaching method is probably why I still remember most of the material from the class.

Every class, students must come prepared ready to participate. We always had to stay up to date with current events and each class session we discussed, as a group, what is going on in the business world and how we can apply this information to the lessons we were learning.

The class always required collaboration. Professor Duran led this class as if we were in an actual workplace, because he was trying to prepare his students on what to expect after college. I really appreciated that he was always trying to help his students grow and always gave immediate feedback on what someone excelled in and where they can improve.

I would enroll in an instance if I had another opportunity to take his class.