Alumni Success in Art & Visual Studies


September 18, 2020
WC Insider
paint brushes

Art and visual studies majors graduate from Whittier College with a wide variety of opportunities before them.

Find your own career and internship opportunities in art at the Center for Career and Professional Development.

Image removed.Simone Weinstein-Grossman ’12
Artist, Co-Owner of Taxidermy to Little Dame LLC

Simone could draw before she could walk. It’s in her blood, and at Whittier, she found professors who valued her and her talent. She was treated as a unique individual and “never felt compared to other students,” she said.

After graduating, Simone began working at the San Diego Museum of Art, then started her own shop—Little Dame Shop—and an art business, Pixley Temperance.

“I am a more confident and well-rounded person because of the solid education I got at Whittier College.”

Image removed.Kyrah (Leal) Reddey ’11
Fine Art Department Manager at Michaan’s Auctions

Kyrah has always loved art history, and later loved her time at Whittier College, where she learned the history behind the artwork she handles every day at Michaan’s Auctions. The leading auction house is one of the largest in Northern California.

After graduating, Kyrah moved to London to learn about everything from paintings to silver at Christie’s Education. Having earned a Master’s degree there, she moved back to California and now manages the day-to-day happening of Michaan’s fine arts department.

“My time at Whittier gave me my foundation and since then I have tried to add to it daily.”

Image removed.Carolyn Mukai ’13
Student of Naturopathic Medicine

A chemistry major who minored in studio art, Carolyn explored the occasional overlap between the two. She now studies at The Boucher Institute of Naturopathic Medicine in Canada, which requires a hybrid of logical and creative thinking to offer the most natural solutions possible for multifaceted disease presentations. Her interdisciplinary education has trained her well to think logically and creatively about how to solve problems and make important observations.

"Studying art forces you to think abstractly and creatively to come up with a unique perspective and style. I like to think I have been able to maintain this approach in deciding what kind of style I want for my life and the perspective I will take for conducting my professional life."