5 Ways to Crush Remote Learning


October 5, 2020
Jai Battle '23
Studying at a desk

Due to the ongoing pandemic, the switch to remote learning may pose unique challenges for Whittier College students.

In this post, we will explore five different ways Poets can successfully navigate remote-learning courses.

Create a Routine

Due to the unprecedented challenges presented by COVID-19, many students may have had their class schedules disrupted. Instead of studying for an upcoming test, do you may find yourself binging the latest Netflix show or scrolling through TikTok for hours on end? If you are like me, you may rely on having a more concrete schedule to be productive.

Creating a routine by setting aside a certain amount of time to do different activities is the best way to stay organized and on top of things. For example, if you are a morning person maybe set aside an hour after breakfast to do your homework. Know which of your classes require live Zoom calls, which have recorded lectures, and try to plan your day accordingly. Creating a routine even when you’re at home is the best way to stay productive and organized.

Have a Good Learning Environment

Since the Poets currently cannot study in Wardman Library or under a shady tree on campus, many of us have set up a makeshift work station in our homes. Did you know that your work environment is just as important as the work itself? The key is finding somewhere quiet and away from distractions.

I would encourage you to also find a place with a table or desk, somewhere where you can spread out and organize your materials. You can also personalize your work station to your liking, maybe by adding a comfortable chair. These small changes can have a big difference in student productivity.

Create a Calendar

Perhaps the biggest challenge that online learning presents is staying on top of your assignments. Many professors have altered the course syllabus to reflect the current shift to remote learning by updating due dates, or adding or taking away assignments. One of the biggest solutions to staying up to date on schoolwork is by creating a calendar!

Google Calendar is a great (and free) way to stay organized and update all your assignments to reflect real-time changes. Alternatively, if you prefer writing things down, planners are an awesome tool to use. You can find a wide variety of planners in the Whittier College Bookstore or even online, such as on Amazon.

Take Breaks

Although this post has discussed the importance of keeping track of and completing assignments, emphasis should also be placed on taking breaks and managing mental health. During these unprecedented times, you may find yourself stressed out with school, work, or life in general.

To combat these feelings, it’s important to make sure you take breaks when you’re working or are beginning to feel stressed out. You may want to study in intervals; for example, devote your undivided attention to one assignment for 25 minutes and then give yourself a 15-minute break. Or maybe tell yourself that if you read up to say, chapter 3, then you can go get yourself a snack. This will help you with the completion of assignments and reduce stress levels.

Reach out to Professors

If you are ever unsure about anything in your class, do not hesitate to reach out to your professors! Most professors have transitioned their office hours for remote learning,  so you can attend office hours virtually! They’re a great way to have a one on one with your professors and discuss any challenges you may be facing in the class.

Additionally, you should definitely reach out to your advisors with any questions you may have about which courses you should take or any of the courses you are taking now. Whittier College has switched to a pass/fail option for most classes, so you can discuss with your advisor how this may affect your current academic standing.