Student Clubs & Organizations
Whittier is a place where people get involved.
Studies show that for the average student, more than 80 percent of their college life will be spent outside the classroom, which means the majority of your time as a college student might be engaged in anything from sports to studying, working to volunteering, to sleeping or just hanging out.
How you decide to spend your time is entirely up to you, but to get the full "Whittier experience," we strongly recommend you consider participating in one of our existing campus organizations — or perhaps even create your own.
During the school year, Whittier College has more than 40 active clubs and 10 societies - our own version of fraternities/sororities. Combined, these groups offer activities encompassing a wide variety of interests.
Through these groups, students enjoy a community in which there is always something going on, and where one can easily find others with whom to discuss shared ideas, ideals, and goals.
Our student clubs and organizations are supported by a variety of student-run governing bodies, including the Associated Students of Whittier College (ASWC) Senate - our campus-wide student government organization.
All students, regardless of sex, race, color, or national origin, who are interested in the program's mission and focus are welcome.