Student Organization Programming Policies


Whittier College Students Right to Associate 

  1. Whittier College students have the right to congregate and associate on campus as members of this community.

  2. As Whittier College is a private institution, the campus is private property and these rights do not extend to the general public. However, the College retains the right to determine the time, place and manner in which students choose to gather to ensure activities do not disrupt campus life and that they are safe.

  3. Approval for meetings, demonstrations, events and activities should be sought through the Office of Student Engagement (OSE) through Engage.

Any student organization wishing to be recognized by the College must first go through the recognition process determined by the OSE. Each student organization granted recognition receives:  

  • Membership in the respective governing body (Inter-Club Council, Inter-Society Council, Media Council, Minority Caucus, or Diversity Council) based on its mission and purpose
  • A Poet email account
  • A College budget account
  • The ability to use the name and image of Whittier College (see publicity policy and College style guide). See Use of Whittier College Name or Symbols Policy
  • Access to a faculty or staff member who serves in the role of student organization advisor
  • The ability to promote and publicize on campus
  • Access to the use of Whittier College facilities for meetings and/or events through the Event Management System or EMS
  • Access to funding from the student activities fees managed by the Associated Students of Whittier College
  • Opportunity to participate in College events such as but not limited to the student activities fair and admitted students reception

Once a student organization is recognized by the College they can maintain that status through the annual registration process determined by the OSE. A student organization may become inactive if they do not abide by the following requirements of a registered organization:  

  • If they do not register by the deadline set forth by the OSE.
  • If they do not remain in good standing with their respective governing body
  • If they do not remain in good standing with the College, including full compliance with any conditions, stipulations, or restrictions placed upon organizational recognition.
  • If they do not operate in a manner consistent with the mission and goals of the College and/or the governing documents of the organization.
  • If they do not consult with the appropriate College departments, offices, or representatives or abide by procedures established when planning large, unusual, or potentially complex events.
  • If they do not keep the OSE informed of changes to organizational leadership or governing documents in a timely fashion.
  • If they do not ensure continuity in leadership from year to year by training newly selected leaders/advisor, and maintaining good records.

An organization that fails to abide by the OSE procedures or with policies listed in the Student Code of Conduct, and may be subject to loss of privileges and/or disciplinary action at the discretion of the OSE Director or designee.

Club and Organization Leader Responsibilities

All chartered club and organization officers listed on your board roster shall be personally responsible and accountable for the operations and actions of the group.

Internal Policies and Procedures

Chartered clubs and organizations may develop and implement appropriate policies and procedures governing operations, activities, and the conduct of members.  The officers therein shall inform members of such policies and procedures, including the potential consequences if violated.  Internal Policies and Procedures refer to those listed in the Club & Organization Constitution. Internal policies and procedures cannot supersede College policies and procedures. All constitution changes must be communicated with OSE. At the discretion of OSE, the department can decide to edit or change constitution phrases that misalign with federal, local, and campus regulations and are deemed harmful.   

The enforcement of policies and procedures shall be exercised by the respective officers of the chartered group in accordance with the group’s constitution.

External Policies and Procedures

Clubs and Organizations are accountable to their organizations’ members and the institution. This responsibility includes remaining aware of, and up to date on, all policies and procedures pertaining to their Charter. Charter governance does not supersede the internal regulations of WC.


The following policies apply to all student-sponsored social events regardless of location hosted by student organizations. The College may modify any restriction in this policy and/or impose additional restrictions on any event. Failure to adhere to policies or restrictions could result in disciplinary action for individuals and/or the organization of the event. 

Student organizations and clubs should use the Engage platform to register events and meetings. For additional assistance, please e-mail

  • The Office of Student Engagement must coordinate scheduling and approve all student-sponsored social events.
  • Student organizations must submit an event request within the Event Management System (EMS). Contact the OSE to receive a log in ID and password.  
    • EMS reservations are determined on a first come, first serve basis.
    • EMS is open for reservations at least a month prior to the following semester.
    • Once the event is reviewed based on location, time, day/date, as well as the risk management profile, the OSE staff will determine whether or not additional meetings need to occur or whether or not the event is approved.

See also Social Host Liability for Non-Registered Gatherings & Events 

  • ASWC/Club/Council events can only be held within the academic opening and close of terms, review the academic calendar to see class start and end dates. No summer events are permitted.
  • All events are subject to College and municipal noise policies. An event can be canceled at any time due to noise.
  • Events may not be held during the College designated final examination period, or during any College designated break.
  • Events may not be held during established breaks or finals, Orientation, Homecoming/Whittier Weekend, Family Weekend, Helping Hands Day, Board of Trustees Meeting Weekend(s), or Commencement Week (additional dates may be identified at the discretion of the Dean of Students or designee).
  • Large-scale events that require at least four professional staff members should typically last 4 hours
  • Large-scale events must end by 1:00am when off-campus or in the Campus Center

  • All outdoor events must not disturb classes in nearby academic buildings, neighbors of the College, and other regular business that may take place during any day of the week and the weekend.
  • Due to constraints in sound and security, all outdoor events with amplified sound and/or more than 100 people must end no later than 10:00 p.m. on weeknights (Sunday through Thursday), and 12:00 a.m. on weekend nights (Friday and Saturday). This applies to all events on the Upper and Lower Quads, the Amphitheatre, various patios of College facilities, and College parking lots. Host organizations may be asked to work with Campus Safety in notifying neighbors prior to the outdoor event.

  • The event must be contained within the space for which the event was approved.
  • The event area used must be enclosed and have controllable points of entry and exit.
  • If an event is proposed to take place off-campus the following may be required based on the risk management profile:  
    • An initial site visit must occur with a Whittier College professional staff
    • Consultation and approval from the Covid Task Force
    • For all attendees/participants to complete a Student Activity Release Waiver
  • Any off-campus venue must have the following to be approved:  
    • Be closed to outside guests at least 2 hours prior to the event start until the conclusion of the event
    • Provide 4-6 security officers to assist the Whittier College staff working the event
    • Add Whittier College as additionally insured up to $2 million
    • Do a security check of all outside vendors working the event [i.e. DJ and guest(s), photographer(s)]
    • Designate a certain type of container for alcoholic beverages different from non alcoholic beverages (if applicable)
    • Report any potential problems, disturbances and/or questionable behavior from event attendees to the Whittier College professional staff working the event for follow-up
  • Certain venues may be determined unsuitable for hosting a Whittier College sponsored event. No personal homes may be used to host Whittier College events for clubs/organizations (including alumni houses). This information can be found in the OSE.
  • Certain events may require City of Whittier Permits. The OSE Staff can assist in obtaining these permits prior to the event.
  • The Tobacco Free Policy as Smoking is not permitted.

  • Attendees are considered any member of the hosting organization, guests, and/or Whittier College student.
  • The number of attendees will be determined at the discretion of the OSE and Campus Safety, based on facility occupancy ratings and type of event.
  • If an event is on-campus with an anticipated attendance of over 150 people then food may be required to be served after the event at the expense of the host organization. Note: This food is being served to lessen the potential impact to the surrounding community as attendees will hopefully disburse in smaller groups and be quieter as they return home. 
  • Procedures must be in place to ensure the attendance does not exceed the approved maximum attendance.
  • Attendees are required to have in their possession during the event a valid student ID or government issued photo ID if they are a non-Whittier student.
  • Whittier College has the right to refuse entry to any attendee to a College sponsored event, including but not limited to, if the attendee is deemed intoxicated or under the influence.
  • Whittier College personnel can ask a disruptive attendee to leave an event and/or campus.
  • Based on the risk management profile the following policies may be applied to the attendees of the event:
    • Attendees must go through security checks by Campus Safety or designated security company prior to entry for on campus events
    • No outside food or drink allowed in the event
    • Once you have left the event you cannot reenter
    • If the event is off campus all attendees must take a bus to the event from a designated parking lot on-campus.
    • Only the pre-approved non-Whittier College guests will be allowed in the event 

  • Guests are considered any invited individuals or groups who are not current Whittier College student, faculty, or staff members (i.e. Whittier College alumni, Whittier Community partners, etc.)
  • One guest per Whittier College student is allowed to attend an event.
  • The Whittier student is responsible and will be held accountable for their guest’s actions during their visit.
  • Guests (including alumni) may not participate in athletic or high risk events on or off campus that are sponsored by a Whittier student group.
  • Whittier College has the right to refuse entry to all non-Whittier College individuals to a College sponsored event if they are deemed intoxicated or under the influence.
  • Whittier College personnel can ask a disruptive guest to leave an event and/or campus.
  • Student groups may invite other affiliated groups from other campuses for certain events as long as a signed contract is on file and the facility manager and OSE are provided with a guest list.
  • Additional insurance is required for events that are open to guests. This insurance must be procured at least 3 weeks prior to the event and the cost will be charged to the organization’s budget account.
  • Guests may be charged an entrance fee at the discretion of the sponsoring organization or the OSE as an event management tool.
  • If guests violate any campus policies or state/federal laws during the event, student host will be sent through the conduct process on their guests behalf.
  • Host organizations are responsible for the safety and security of all their guests (Whittier College and Non-Whittier College) for the duration of the event.
  • If the host organization fails to adhere to the policies and/or procedures disciplinary action for individuals and/or the host organization may occur.

  • Host Organization Event Coordinators are considered members of the student organization who are taking responsibility for hosting the event.  
  • Host Organization Members Working an Event are considered members who have been designated by the Event Coordinators to represent the student organization and abide by all policies and procedures set forth for that event.
  • Host Organization Member Working an Event Must:  
    • Be present during the entire event
    • Assume responsibility for noise complaints
    • Ensure that the Whittier College student's IDs and/or guest's government issued photo ID or attendees are checked.
    • Verify the host and guest on the approved guest list
    • Monitor entrances and exits to ensure that uninvited attendees do not enter, and/or that alcohol does not enter the event location/site
    • Inform Whittier College personnel of: excessive drinking, disorderly behavior, or over-intoxication
    • Not consume or be under the influence of alcohol, drugs, or substances before or during the event. Whittier College personnel reserve the right to verify sobriety of a Host Organization member working the event prior to or during the event.
  • Based on the (i.e. OSE or Residential Life staff member) may be required to be present during the event. If the event requires more than 2 professional staff, then the host organization is responsible for paying $25 per hour per staff member. Note: At least an hour before and risk management profile, a professional member of the student life staff after an event may be deemed necessary for officers to work. Additional time may be charged depending on situations needing to be addressed as a result of the event. 

  • The Department of Campus Safety, at their discretion, may require security officers at any event including, but not limited to events with: a large number of people, live bands, amplified music, a history of disturbance, multiple organizations sponsoring it, or when off-campus guests are in attendance.
  • The Department of Campus Safety will determine the required number of security officers for events held on-campus.
  • The Director of the OSE in consultation with Campus Safety will make decisions about the number of officers assigned to monitor an event based on the anticipated attendance, past history with the event, and the anticipated risk/liability associated with the plans for the event. For certain off-campus events Campus Safety officers may be required during the loading of buses from campus.
  • The host organization is responsible for paying for the officers that will work the event at a rate of $25 per hour per officer. Note: At least an hour before and after an event may be deemed necessary for officers to work. Additional time may be charged depending on situations needing to be addressed as a result of the event.
  • The OSE will make requests for Campus Safety coverage 

  • As a service to the student body, the Office of Student Engagement (OSE) will accept proposals from vendors (i.e. businesses, financial institutions, non-profit groups, or other organizations not affiliated with Whittier College) who wish to solicit business on the Whittier College campus.
  • All solicitation and business must be conducted from the designated location provided by the College at a location approved by the OSE. Vendors may not set up additional displays, tables, or machinery (including those that dispense food or provide entertainment) without the prior approval of the OSE. Vendors are prohibited from entering the residence halls for solicitation purposes without the approval of the Director of the OSE. See also the Solicitation Policy.
  • Vendors may be on campus only during the specified hours for which they are invited.
  • If approved by the OSE, vendors must provide to the OSE, one week in advance of the vendor activity, a $2,000,000.00 liability policy that specifically lists Whittier College as additionally insured.
  • Whittier College and the OSE reserve the right to limit the number and type of vendor(s) allowed on campus.
  • Vendors who do not adhere to these guidelines will not be given the privilege of returning to the College, and solicitation rights may be terminated at any time. In addition, those vendors and organizations that exhibit threatening, unruly, aggressive, or unseemly behavior will not be allowed to return to Whittier College for any purpose.


  • In order for a catering quote or order to be generated an EMS confirmation number must be generated. If desiring to order catering from Bon Appetit, the linked form will be required to submit when booking catering.
  • All catering forms must be signed by the OSE to make the agreement final (as all catering forms are considered contractual agreements).
  • Student organizations that do not coordinate food orders through Bon Appetit at least a month in advance will not be considered for special requests. Special requests include authenticity tastings.

Alcohol at Events

  • In accordance with California law, alcohol cannot be consumed at student events by any person under the age of 21 years. Any person under the age of 21 years who has any alcoholic beverage in their possession on any street or highway or in any public place open to the public is guilty of a misdemeanor (Business and Professional Code, Section 25658 & 25662).  
  • It is a crime to be intoxicated in a public place (California Penal Code 647(f)).
  • Shots, drinking games, or other activities that encourage inappropriate drinking behaviors are prohibited.
  • Devices designed for rapid consumption (i.e. beer bongs or funnels) are prohibited.
  • College officials can confiscate alcohol due to 
    • (1) underage possession
    • (2) sharing alcohol with an underage person.
  • Alcohol permits: no alcohol permits will be issued, nor approvals granted for students for events that involve alcohol off campus. The only permissible location to host alcohol for student club/organization events is in Villalobos and Club 88. We encourage booking Bon Appetit for bartending service, or a vendor approved by OSE, and only they can serve. Only beer or wine is permitted to be served. 
  • Clubs/Organizations must request approval for alcohol at events/programs 14 business days before the event date.
  • Organizations and individuals are expected to take affirmative steps to address issues of liability and safety by arranging a planning meeting with OSE to get event approval. Substance-free events and utilizing our third-party vendors (Bon Appetit) help limit an organization’s and individual’s exposure to risk. More detailed guidelines for party planning are available in the OSE. 
  • For student organizations that get approval from OSE to host an event for those of legal drinking age in CA, an OSE approved chaperone at entry is required to check identification for those of the age of 21 or older.
  • The College and/or host organizations reserve the right to deny entry to any event by individuals deemed intoxicated or under the influence. Individuals may be asked to leave an event if they are overly intoxicated or disorderly.
  • If under 21 and if determined an individual has consumed alcohol or participated in the event, the individual will be referred to conduct. 
  • Depending on the nature and duration of the event, OSE can determine a drinking minimum or limit to ensure safety for all involved.


  • All amplified music especially when in public outdoor settings is restricted to the clean radio-version only. Permission to play non-radio version can be granted by the OSE Director.
  • Amplified music can only be played when classes are not in session and require approve by the Director of OSE after 10:00 p.m. (in accordance with the City ordinance).
  • DJ Service can be requested by KPoetRadio.

Films/Movies at Events

  • A public viewing license must be purchased for all films and videos screened on campus for showings that are other than personal viewing.
  • Videos rented, streamed, or from your personal collection are “for private or home use only,” meaning that they cannot be shown for entertainment in a venue open to the College community is prohibited.
  • For more information on how to rent a film, video, or DVD with a public viewing license, please contact the OSE.

Rental / Novelty Equipment at Events

  • Rental / Novelty equipment includes but is not limited to dunking booths, inflatable fun houses, slip and slides, portable sport courts or equipment, or other entertainment items. 
  • See Vendors at Events Policy
  • The Director of  the OSE, Dean of Students, and Vice President of Human Resources will give the final approval before the rental may be arranged as they are required to sign all contracts for such rentals.
  • The host group is responsible for any damage to property that may be caused by the installation or use of such equipment.
  • Participants will be required to complete a Student Activity Release Waiver prior to participating in such activity.

Event Promotion 

  • The following phrase may be required on event advertisements: “Whittier College reserves the right to deny entry to or request that students or guests exit an event if deemed intoxicated, under the influence, or are being disruptive.”
  • See the Publicity Policy and Copying Policy for additional information
  • The OSE Resource Center is available for student organizations to design and edit graphics, posters, banners, and more. Stop by during business hours.

Funding for Events 

  • Student organizations wishing to request funding from the Associated Students of Whittier College must adhere to the ASWC Governing Documents and Procedures.
  • Student organizations wishing to do fundraisers with food must use individually wrapped nationally branded items. All other food fundraisers must be approved by the Office of Student Engagement.
  • Student organizations inviting vendors on campus that serve food or beverages must require the vendor to adhere to the vendor policy which requires liability insurance (See Vendors at Events Policy).
  • Student organizations wishing to ask alumni, local businesses, or corporations to donate to your program/event/organization should consult the College Advancement Office for clarification on from whom your organization can solicit and how best to go about it. This will also ensure that the donator receives tax credit for their donation if applicable.
  • The Whittier College Bookstore has been given the “exclusive retailing rights” on campus. As a result, no office, department, student group, or individual may sell items carried in the bookstore, or any item in its “class.”

Event Termination 

  • Any Campus Safety officer or Whittier College personnel may terminate an event if a complaint of excessive noise, vandalism, disorderly conduct, drinking or any other violation of College policy or City noise ordinance warrants such action.
  • In the event of a termination, student conduct action may be imposed on the individual(s) and/or the host organization.

Travel Policies 

(Updated August 15, 2022)

The purpose of the travel policy and procedures is to ensure appropriate information is documented and available for chaperones and safety personnel in the event of an emergency/accident. The following information describes the requirements for off-campus and/or activities organized by Whittier College student organizations, faculty, or staff. 

  1. Register Trip 
  2. Complete Forms 
    • Forms required for travel are available on the OSE website, on Engage, or in the OSE office.
    • All student participants must complete the Student Activity Release Waiver, at least 24 hours before the activity/trip.
    • Any individual not enrolled at Whittier College who is participating in a Whittier College event must complete a Non-Whittier College Participant Form.
    • If any Whittier College student, staff or faculty will be driving on behalf of the College, an American Driving Records or ADR must be completed and turned into Human Resources 48 hours prior to the trip in order for a report to be run. The driver and faculty/staff overseeing the trip will be notified if the person is approved to drive on behalf of the College.
  3. Submit Forms 
    • Faculty Member/Chaperone for Academic Trips:  
    • The faculty member chaperone will submit the Student Activity Release Waivers for each student traveler and the Activity Travel Agenda & Roster to the Campus Safety Office prior to the trip. 
    • Faculty or Staff Advisor/Chaperone for Student Organizations Trips:  
    • The faculty or staff Advisor chaperone will submit the Student Activity Release Waivers for each student traveler and the Activity Travel Agenda & Roster to the OSE prior to the trip.
    • The student organization faculty/staff advisor is responsible for collecting all the signed forms from the students and submitting them altogether to the OSE on or before the day of the trip, or by 4pm Friday for trips that occur over the weekend. 

Forms to travel with: 

  • The completed Travel Agenda & Roster must remain with the faculty/staff member overseeing the trip/activity. 

Vehicle Rental

  • The College does not own vehicles available for student use during events; therefore a separate company must be used.
  • Whittier College requires the driver of the rental vehicle to be at least 25 years old (which is the standard for most regional companies).
  • Whittier College prohibits the rental of 15 passenger vans for student programs/events. A 12 passenger van is the greatest capacity allowed.
  • Whittier College is not responsible for damages or repairs due to an act of negligence on the part of the drivers or passengers.
  • Bus rentals must be coordinated through the OSE.

Use of Personal Vehicles for Registered Trips 

  • Each personal vehicle used must be insured and proof of insurance must be submitted to the OSE and/or Human Resources during the event registration process.
  • Drivers must have a valid License.
  • Drivers should be given accurate directions and caravan together as much as possible.
  • Whittier College is not responsible for the cost of repairs to the personal vehicle in the event of an accident.
  • Whittier College is not responsible for damages or repairs due to an act of negligence on the part of the drivers or passengers.
  • Whittier College is not responsible for the liability of passengers due to an act of negligence on the part of the driver.
  • See also Student Transportation Policy 

Student Media

  1. Whittier College and the Associated Students of Whittier College Media Council support free speech and reserve the right to determine time, place and manner of free speech indiscriminate of content.
  2. California Education Code Section 94367 (also known as the Leonard Law), provides that:  
    1. “Nothing in this section prohibits an institution from adopting rules and regulations that are designed to prevent hate violence.”
    2. “Nothing in this section prohibits the imposition of discipline for harassment, threats, or intimidation, unless constitutionally protected.”
    3.  “No private postsecondary educational institution shall make or enforce any rule subjecting any student to disciplinary sanctions solely on the basis of conduct that is speech or other communication that, when engaged in outside the campus or the facility of a private postsecondary institution, is protected from governmental restriction by the First Amendment to the United States Constitution or section 2 of Article 1 of the California Constitution.”

  1. All photographers must adhere to the contractual terms regarding any performing arts, entertainment, athletics or hired act whether on or off campus.
  2. Photographs to be published in print (newspaper, magazine, yearbook, etc.) or digitally (web, video, etc.) must be truthful and factual if used to represent actual situations.
  3. Photographs may not be digitally altered in any manner other than retouching the quality of the photograph, but not the subject matter.
  4. Photographs used for student media may not violate the Harassment Policy, be derogatory or be defamatory.
  5. Staff photographers 
    1.  Photographs taken on assignment by students employed by the student media groups are the property of the student publication and Whittier College and may not be used, sold or distributed to any organization outside Whittier College without the written permission of the student publication’s editor and the OSE.
    2. Photographs taken on assignment may be used in a student’s portfolio with the permission of the publication editor and the OSE.
    3. Photographers must wear an approved press pass when on assignment on or off campus. Press passes are available through the OSE.
  6. Independent Contractors/Photographers
    1.  Independent photographers are welcome on campus if invited by a Whittier College department or student organization.
    2. Independent photographers must carry ID at events and be issued a temporary press pass through the OSE.
    3. The Director of the OSE must approve the contract with the independent photographer, even if a monetary compensation is not included in the contract.
    4. Subject matter waivers are required for any photographs taken that will be used in publications not produced by or for Whittier College.
    5. Photographs purchased from an independent contractor are the property of Whittier College.
    6. Photographs taken at private events may not be distributed outside Whittier College without expressed permission.

  1. Whittier College only recognizes and allows one radio station to operate on campus and represent Whittier College and that is the Whittier College Radio or 
  2. Regardless of broadcast signal or strength the radio station must adhere to all FCC regulations for broadcast media.
  3. The radio station will report to Broadcast Music, Inc. (BMI), the American Society of Composers, Authors, and Publishers (ASCAP), and the Society of European Stage Authors and Composers (SESAC) as required. 

In keeping with Whittier College values, student media should refrain from advertising events that pertain to:  

  • Alcohol
  • Fire arms
  • Sexually explicit events
  • Tobacco
  • Online gambling
  • Drugs and drug paraphernalia
  • Adult entertainment
  • Ticket scalping
  • Any products/events/activities that may be deemed harmful or offensive to the Whittier College community.

In accordance with the no open flame policy, the use of the campus fire pits is not permitted.

Disciplinary Procedures for Student Organizations

If a recognized student organization fails to comply with federal, state, city regulations, laws or College policy, the group may be subject to criminal or civil action. In addition, the organization and/or individual members representing the organization may be subject to College disciplinary proceedings as well. Remember, when an individual is acting as a representative of the organization, their actions reflect upon the reputation of the entire organization and of Whittier College. 

The guidelines for charges and hearings set by the Student Conduct Code Procedures will be followed.

The charge letter that states the alleged offenses with specific reference to the policies violated and the date and time of the hearing will be sent to the student organization Poet email and the head of the organization at the time. Please see the Student Conduct Board Procedures and Guidelines for a complete explanation of the Student Conduct Board process.

The hearing is an informal proceeding not comparable to a criminal trial. Because the hearing is an administrative process and not a court proceeding, people in attendance may be limited to Whittier College community members.Should a Hearing Board Committee for a Student Organization be necessary, the committee may include the following individuals/parties: 

 Potential Hearing Board Members 

  1. Director of the Office of Student Engagement (hearing chair)
  2. Associate/Assistant Director of the Office of Student Engagement (recorder) 
  3. Associate Dean of Students or designee (observer)
  4. Faculty/Staff Advisor for the student organization in question (observer)

Potential Sanctions

The following sanctions may be imposed upon any student organization found to have violated the Student Code:  

  1. Warning: A written warning to the student organization of violations of policies, expectations, or agreements.
  2. Restitution: Compensation for loss, damage, or injury. This may take the form monetary or material replacement.
  3. Fines: For violations where other sanctions singly or in combination seem insufficient. Fine money would be given to support student needs on campus and would escalate with repeated offenses. 
  4. Work assignments and other reasonable and/or related penalties. Work assignments shall not be less than one hour nor more than twenty hours per member.
  5. Education activity(ies): The group may be required to participate in a specific activity as a method to educate members about an issue or behavior related to the violation.
  6. Loss of Privileges: Exclusion from designated privileges such as access to on-campus housing, financial support from the College or the student government/governing bodies for group activities, or use of College facilities for meetings and activities.
  7. Social Inactivity: A group that is placed on social inactivity may not host, sponsor, co-sponsor, or participate in any social activities on or off campus during the period of privileges loss. The group may not participate in any co-curricular activities, including but not limited to intramurals, Homecoming, Dub Sync, or dances. Failure to comply with the conditions or restrictions of Social Inactivity will result in an immediate recommendation for the withdrawal of recognition by the College. Social Inactivity is imposed for a minimum of two weeks to a maximum of one year.
  8. Withdrawal of recruitment and new member privileges: A group may not participate in the recruitment of new members.
  9. Suspension of all activities as a group for a specified period of time.
  10. Withdrawal of recognition by the College for a specified period of time (to include permanent withdrawal of recognition).
  11. Other sanctions as deemed appropriate.


  1. If a student organization recognized or otherwise, damages campus or rental facilities, property, or equipment, the entire membership of the group will be responsible for compensating for the damages.
  2. If the student organization has funds available in a College account, they may choose to use these funds to pay for the damages or divide the costs among the student members.
  3. If the student organization does not have a College account the cost may be billed directly to the student accounts of the student organization’s membership.