Faculty and Staff
Author and Visiting Professor of English Tess Taylor is a regular contributor to National Public Radio's All Things…
Faculty and Staff
Associate Professor of Education and Child Development Anne Sebanc and Professor of Mathematics Jeff Lutgen published…
Faculty and Staff
Associate Professor of English Language and Literature Sean Morris was recently interviewed by the news site Quartz…
Faculty and Staff
Since the intentional distribution of anthrax spores (Bacillus anthracis) through the U.S. postal system in 2001, the…
College Affairs, Faculty and Staff
Whittier College is now home of the Institute for Baseball Studies, the first humanities-based research center of its…
Faculty and Staff
The idea that humans will undergo a day of reckoning has confronted every generation. Whatever you call it, however you…
Faculty and Staff
Whittier College President Sharon Herzberger announced the appointment of six faculty members to endowed professorships…
Faculty and Staff
Cheryl Swift, the James Irvine Foundation Professor of Biology, has been appointed as a Leadership Fellow for the…
Faculty and Staff
Professors Danilo Lozano and David Muller will present a recital of music for flute and bassoon drawn from their CD, …
Faculty and Staff
Political science professor Eric Lindgren was recently interviewed for the Los Angeles NPR affiliate, KPCC, about a…
Faculty and Staff
Whittier College Professor Patricia Van Oosbree is the recipient of the 2008 Nerhood Award. Named for Professor Harry W…
Faculty and Staff
Associate Professor of Education Ivannia Soto was inducted into the Whittier High School Hall of Fame for her…
Faculty and Staff
Associate Professor of History Natale “Nat” Zappia has been named Whittier College’s new Nadine Austin Wood Chair in…
Faculty and Staff
How has gender bias factored into Hillary Clinton's bid to become president of the United States? On Tuesday, Visiting…
Faculty and Staff
Professor of Philosophy Paul Kjellberg has been appointed the new Hartley House Faculty Master. He and his son Ford…