College Affairs
Whittier College is welcoming hundreds of alumni, students, faculty, staff, and families to the annual Whittier Weekend…
College Affairs
In line with President Linda Oubré’s vision of a forward-thinking, innovative, and sustainable institution, Whittier…
College Affairs
Whittier College continues to rank among the most diverse liberal arts colleges according to the 2017 U.S. News and…
College Affairs
Thank you very much. It’s an honor to be with you, Class of 2014. The Poet Mary Oliver writes, “There are things that…
College Affairs
Nearly 1,000 Poets celebrated their Whittier College pride, shared memories, and made new ones at Whittier Weekend 2016…
College Affairs
Accomplished author Ted Conover will be a Visiting Scholar in the Center for Collaborations with the Arts on February…
College Affairs
Drumming, dancing, and festive energy filled Upper Quad for Día de los Muertos (Day of the Dead), one of the most…
College Affairs
Tiny the Giraffe brought cheer and joy to Poets of all ages during his memorable appearance at Spring Fest Carnival…
College Affairs
Co-founder and chairman emeritus of DHL International Po Chung understands the benefits of a liberal arts education.…
College Affairs
Whittier College’s Center for Engagement with Communities (CEC) has been awarded $411,680 grant from the BCM …
College Affairs
Whittier College welcomed hundreds of members of the Poet community to dedicate the newly renovated Science &…
College Affairs
The Mary Davis Fellowship in Public Service will continue for another three years thanks to the generous support of…
College Affairs
With fall officially here, aspiring college students are thinking about which schools to apply to—and Whittier College…
College Affairs
Luis Valdez, one of the most important and influential American playwrights, and actress Alma Martinez '84 will grace …