The following are courses that have been offered or are usually offered by the Public Health minor. For a comprehensive list of courses, please refer to the current Schedule of Classes or Course Catalog.
CHEM 380. Environmental Chemistry
Course covers the fundamentals of atmospheric chemistry, aquatic chemistry, and environmental fate and transport. Lessons on environmental policy making and the disproportionate impacts of environmental pollution on marginalized communities are also integrated throughout the course. The laboratory portion covers common analytical techniques for environmental samples, analysis of environmental data, and the use of environmental measurements to address issues of environmental justice and inform policy making. Prerequisite: CHEM 110B
ENVS 100. Introduction to Environmental Science
An introduction to the field of environmental science, examined from multiple perspectives: biology, earth sciences, chemistry, and physics. The class focuses on the contributions these different disciplines make to the diagnosis and solution of environmental problems, with an emphasis on the interdisciplinary nature of these issues. Lecture, laboratory, and field trips.
MATH 080. Elementary Statistics
Descriptive Statistics: descriptive measures, probability concepts, discrete random variables, normal distribution. Inferential Statistics: sampling distributions, confidence intervals, hypothesis testing, Chi-square procedures, linear regression. Emphasis on methodology rather than theory. (Not open to those who have had 315.) Prerequisite: 74, 76, or 79, or sufficient score on math Placement Exam.
PSYC 227. Stress and Disease in the 21st Century
This course will explore how modern life generates stressors that are new in the history of humanity and how this may impact human health, incorporating biological, anthropological, sociological, psychological, and policy perspectives. The goal of this course is to help each student gain a greater understanding of sources of stress in their own lives, how that stress impacts them physically, and what they can do to manage (if not eliminate) the stress they experience. Prerequisite: PSYC 100.
SOC 246. Sociology of Health and Medicine
Theory and research on the organization, politics, and inequities of health and medicine in the United States and around the world; lived experiences of patients and professionals; and health disparities.
SOWK 364. Social Welfare Policy and Services
Students examine the history of social work, the history and current structure of social services, and the role that social policy plays in service delivery. Students learn to analyze social policies that effect local, national, and global social welfare issues and research that relates to competent social service delivery. The course also focuses on strategies that advocate for policy consistent with social work values and skills and that prepare students to work within economic, political, and organizational systems. Prerequisite: ECON 200.